The Jim McMillan Research and Reference Library is operated by the Stevens County Historical Society, a not-for-profit organization. As such, it operates from donations from the public and grants from public and private sources. In order to operate the library, it is necessary to charge fees to help cover its costs. Society members may do personal research for one (1) family without charges but will need to pay for copies etc.
Research request form link at bottom of the page.
1. Library staff will use their discretion in making judgment calls regarding individual situations when using the Fee Schedule.
2. Research done by staff will have a $25.00 basic fee. This will include the first two hours of research done. Extensive searches could incur additional fees. A handling charge may be applied to cover copies and postage. The research will be limited to information held in the SCHS library.
3. In rare instances, individuals are allowed ‘to review materials. There is a minimum charge of $20.00 per hour per person for research done by individuals. This includes the help provided by library staff in locating materials. K-12 students doing school assignments may be exempt from the basic fee, but will be charged for copies, photographs, etc.
4. Following is the fee schedule for copies of photographs from the library collection. These copies will be made on the scanner and printed in the library. Copy machine copies will not be made from the photograph collection.
- Exact copy — $20.00
- Enlargement — an additional $10.00
- Retouching/repair — an additional $15.00
5. Copier machine copies will be $.15 each. Copies of photographs will be made for a fee of $10.00 per photograph.
6. Individuals or organizations doing research for others will use the individual per hour fee.
7. Individuals or organizations requesting the use of library holdings or photographs for profit or fundraising must negotiate their fee prior to beginning the research. The president of the Society, or designee, shall be the individual to represent the society in this negotiation. The release form for this purpose is located in the Policy and Procedures Manual. Approved by the Board of Directors in August 2014.